About Us
Nehemiah 4: When the Israelites were rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem, the work got tough and they got discouraged. Finally, they just gave up. So Nehemiah reorganized the work into teams. Half would stand guard with their spears and swords and protect everyone. The other half would work. Then they’d alternate their positions. He posted everyone by groups and families, so they could encourage and support each other.
Janet Wolfe Angelo Oliveri Susan Ashman David King Fernando Motta De Paula Dawn Martin
Acts 24: Paul specifically mentions seven people who were part of his ministry team. He brought others along, not only to train them, but also to keep him encouraged.
Good teamwork is necessary in all areas of life - our families, our businesses, our communities. Paul reminds us in Romans 12 that bodies don’t function well unless they work together.
Our History
Welcome to The Christian Singles Leader's Network site. This ministry was formed in June 2012 .
We are a growing team however the main leaders are:
Janet Wolfe (founder), Angelo Oliveri, Susan Ashman, David King, Fernando Motta de Paula and Dawn Martin.
Just a few years ago, singles ministry was a rare thing to be found in UK churches and where they existed, tended to be small internal groups hidden away in individual churches. There were however a number of secular singles groups, clubs and dating agencies which are distinctly different to singles ministries. We are a group of Singles Ministry leaders from London and the Midlands who have come together to address a need which was not been met within our churches. This is to help Christian single adults find understanding of how to live the Christian single life (for however long a single season may last), with purpose, and a life that is maximised for Christ, by encouraging growth in relationship with God and through healthy, Godly relationships with others. Within our individual ministries we have been able to facilitate many events for single adults providing for spiritual, social and emotional needs. Through this ministry we are passionate about supporting and training others to work in the singles ministry within their churches where ever they may be.
Our Philosophy
The Christian Singles Leader's Network was formed
essentially for singles ministry leaders to network, share information and to be a support and practical help for each other whilst serving the single members in their individual churches. It consists of a group of single adult ministry leaders from a variety of churches across London and surrounding areas who came together to form the network. It’s aim is to create a church culture that values singles, encourages the development of a closer relationship with God and then with others. Through the Christian Singles Network we aim to be supportive in developing Christian single adults with purpose, to give advice on setting up new minsitries, organising events and creating fun opportunities for people to meet and possibly make godly matches for marriage. However, we are NOT a dating agency.
This website is a resource to help you if you are leading or coordinating a single adult ministry. Information is available to assist you to start, develop and help maintain your singles ministry. If you are a pastor or church leader, this website will give you some ideas about how best to encourage and help singles in your church. It will give you information about how to cultivate a church that is 'singles friendly' as you begin to understand how the single people in your congregation can be an asset.